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Sander’s Classification of Calcaneal Fractures

– Discussion: – demonstrates intra-articular extension of frx – degree of comminution of posterior facet; – calcaneocuboid joint; – impingement of lateral border of calcaneus on lateral malleolus and entrapment of tendons or nerves can be demonstrated; – latter is best seen with the soft-tissue window examination; – Axial Images: – pt extends hips & … Read more

Intra-Articular Frx of the Distal Radius

     – See:  Distral Radius Frx Menu               – Dorsal Barton’s Frx               – Volar Barton’s Frx              – Unstable Distal Radial Frx – Discussion:     – mechanism:           – distal radius articular frx principally result from the die punch mechanism of injury that leads to consistent patterns of articular disruption and often w/ radiographic signs … Read more

Fracture Index

  Open Fractures / Frx Healing Acetabular Fracture Ankle Fractures Barton’s Fracture: Dorsal Barton’s Fracture Volar Barton’s Fracture Bennet’s Fracture Both Bone Forearm Frx Boxer’s Frx Burst Fractures (of spine) Calcaneus, Frx Capitulum Fractures Chauffeur’s Fracture Chance Fracture Clavicle Fracture Colles Fracture Compression Frx (Spinal) Condylar Fractures (of elbow) Coronoid Process Frx Cuboid Frx Den’s Fracture … Read more

Volar Barton’s Fractures

    – Discussion:     – characterized by frx of volar margin of the carpal surface of the radius which is associated w/ subluxation of radiocarpal joint;            – similar to Smith’s type III;     – comminuted frx of distal radius may involve either anterior or posterior cortex and … Read more

Unstable Distal Radius Fracture

– See: Radiographic Findings – Unstable Frx Patterns:     – Barton’s frx, Radial-styloid frx, and Smith’s frx, will often be unstable;     – dorsal angulation: > initial 20 deg implies instability;     – radial shortening of 5 mm or more;     – articular frxs that involve radiocarpal joint;       … Read more

Ulna / Ulnar Shaft Fracture

div class=”mh-row clearfix”> h1>/h1> div class=”bodycopy”>hr size=”3″/> br/> a href=”/image4/ulna1.jpg”>img src=”/image4/ulna1a.jpg” alt=””/>/a> a href=”/image4/ulna2.jpg”>img src=”/image4/ulna2a.jpg” alt=””/>/a> a href=”/image4/ulna3.jpg”>img src=”/image4/ulna3a.jpg” alt=””/>/a>br/> br/> – See:br/>       – a href=”/bones/radius-ulna/adult-both-bone-forearm-frx/”>Both Bone Forearm Fracture:/a> / a href=”/orthopaedics/ulnar-styloid-process-frx/”>Ulnar Styloid/a> Processbr/> br/> strong>- Anatomy:/strong>br/>      – radius & ulna lie parallel to each other when forearm is supinated;br/>   … Read more

Trauma and Fractures Menu

(see also: – Trauma Workup; Open Frx; Frx Healing; AO Foundation; ON FRACTURES by Hippocrates.) Acetabular Fracture Ankle Fractures Barton’s Fracture: Dorsal Barton’s Fracture Volar Barton’s Fracture Bennet’s Fracture Both Bone Forearm Frx Boxer’s Frx Burst Fractures (of spine) Calcaneus, Frx Capitulum Fractures Chauffeur’s Fracture Chance Fracture Clavicle Fracture Colles Fracture Compression Frx (Spinal) Condylar … Read more

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