- Discussion:
- torus is derived from Latin (tori) meaning a swelling or protuberance;
- failure of cortex on compression side, 2-3 cm proximal to physis;
- torus (buckle) frxs of distal metaphysis of radius & ulna is most common frx in lower forearm in young children;
- impact of indirect violence of fall on outstretched hand crumples dorsal cortex, but the volar cortex remains intact;
- distal fragment is angulated dorsally;
- deformity should not occur in torous frx because the periosteum and cortex are intact on the side of the bone opposite to fracture;
- Radiographs:
- it is important that x-ray be carefully examined to ascertain that tension side is intact;
- if frx is not on compression side then pt has greenstick frx, not a torus frx, & frx may proceed to deform in the cast;
- Treatment:
- consists of short arm cast for 3 weeks to make pt comfortable and to prevent further injury
The anatomy of metaphyseal torus fractures.