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Physical Exam of the Cervical Spine

- See:
      - Brachial Plexus - Neuro Exam
      - Diff Dx of Cervical Pathology:
      - Neuro Exam:
      - PE of Lumbar Spine:

- Upper Cord Involvement: (see: cervical radiculopathy / myelopathy)

  C5 C6 C7 C8   T1  
Sens: Lat arm Thumb Mid f. Little f.   Med. arm  
Motor: Deltoid Wr/Ext Tricep Finger Flex   Interossei  
Disc: C4-C5 C5-C6 C6-C7 C7-T1   T1-T2  
Reflex: Bicep BR Tricep        

- Lower Cord Involvement:
    - Reflex:
            - Knee & Ankle jerk
            - Babinski's reflex:
            - Sacral Sparing
    - Sensory:
    - Motor:
            - Quadriceps:                      L-3 /L-4
            - EHL:                                       L-5
            - PF:                                         S-1
            - Sacral Sparing
                     - Blad Sphincter:               S-2
                     - Anal Sphincter:               S-3

- ROM:   Flex      Ext      Abd: Rt/Left  Rotation: Rt/Left
                  45        55            40 40              70  70

The shoulder abduction test in the diagnosis of radicular pain in cervical extradural compressive monoradiculopathies.

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