- terrible triad: (RHF + MCL + coronoid process frx) + elbow dislocation
- in this injury there is little to keep the elbow reduced;
- general operative considerations:
1) radial head: repair or replacement of the radial head (see ORIF or radial head)
- concomitant excision of radial head and coronoid process is not performed since it may result in marked instability;
- if operative repair is not possible, then radial head replacement is necessary;
- in this case, lateral approach affords exposure to the coronoid;
2) LCL: repair of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) of the elbow
3) coronoid frx repair of the coronoid process frx with one of two techniques
- medial approach:
- if the radial head is not excised, the coronoid is approached medially;
- simultaneous fixation of the coronoid process and repair of the common flexor muscle and MCL
injury were performed through an anteromedial incision;
- in the report by Ring D, et al, the authors note that these fractures are very unstable and prone to
numerous complications;
- they recommend careful identification of the coronoid fracture, and CT is used if there is a question of coronoid frx;
- they recommend radial head fixation or replacement, repairing the lateral collateral ligament, and in some cases
performing IF of the coronoid fracture;
- reference:
- Posterior Dislocation of the Elbow with Fractures of the Radial Head and Coronoid
- Fixation of the Coronoid Process in Elbow Fracture-Dislocations
- Terrible Triad Injuries of the Elbow: Does the Coronoid Always Need to Be Fixed?
4) flexor tendon origin open repair or reattachment of the brachialis is usually necessary;
- Intraoperative Considerations:
- in the report by McKee MD, et al., the authors recommend:
- coronoid process frx:
- fixation of the coronoid fragement and/or anterior capsule (suture fixation is required more often than screw fixation);
- in some cases coronoid fracture fragment will be incarcerated within the joint;
- often in cases of coronoid frx, radial head will be comminuted and will be require excision, which allows full exposure of coronoid frx;
- ref:
-Standard surgical protocol to treat elbow dislocations with radial head and coronoid fractures. Surgical technique.
- radial head:
- ORIF of radial head or replacement of the radial head; (most require radial head replacement);
- repair of the lateral collateral ligament; (see posterolateral instability)
- LCL is typically avulsed off the humeral attachement;
- look for posterolateral bare area off of the humeral attachment;
- repair of the medial collateral ligament or application of hinged fixator;
- references:
- Radial head replacement or repair for the terrible triad of the elbow: which procedure is better?
- hanging arm test: (from Garrigues, et al )
- intraoperative stability of the elbow can be tested with use of the hanging arm test;
- performed w/ elbow in full extension w/ forearm supinated (the position of maximal instability) and bump under upper arm;
- wt of arm creates subluxating force;
- lateral flouro images demonstrate if the elbow remains reduced during this maneuver;
- if the elbow remains concentrically located while hanging in this position, it is stable.
- it is performed after each critical aspect of pathoanatomy was addressed
- if there is absence of an increased ulnohumeral distance known as the drop sign
- ref:
- Terrible Triad Injuries of the Elbow: Does the Coronoid Always Need to Be Fixed?
- Fixation of the Coronoid Process in Elbow Fracture-Dislocations
- hinged fixator:
- Good Functional Recovery of Complex Elbow Dislocations Treated With Hinged External Fixation: A Multicenter Prospective Study
- Post Operative Care:
- Critical time period for recovery of range of motion after surgical treatment of complex elbow instability: Prospective study on 76 patients.
- Single-staged Treatment Using a Standardized Protocol Results in Functional Motion in the Majority of Patients With a Terrible Triad Elbow Injury
- References:
- Terrible triad injury of the elbow: how to improve outcomes?
- Standard surgical protocol to treat elbow dislocations with radial head and coronoid fractures. Surgical technique
- Treatment strategy of terrible triad of the elbow: Experience in Shanghai 6th People's Hospital.
- Functional Outcomes After Fixation of “Terrible Triad” Elbow Fracture Dislocations
- Current Treatment Concepts for “Terrible Triad” Injuries of the Elbow