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Ulnar Artery


- See:
      - Vascular Problems of the Wrist and Hand:

- Ulnar Artery in Forearm:
    - about 1 inch below the antecubital fossa, brachial artery divides into radial & ulnar arteries, w/ latter being larger;
    - paired venae comitantes accompany both radial & ulnar arteries;
    - interosseous branch:
           - about 1 inch below origin of ulnar artery, common interosseous artery arises & divides into anterior or volar branch and posterior or dorsal branch;
           - anterior branch runs down forearm in the midline on interosseous membrane;
           - posterior branch runs down forearm on posterior side;
    - in forearm, the ulnar artery is deeper than radial artery;
    - it passes under the arch of the FDS, lying between the medial edges of the FDS and FDP, and just deep to the FCU;
    - as it passes down the forearm lying just lateral (deep) to the ulnar nerve;
    - dorsal branch of the ulnar artery:
           - originates between 2-4 cm proximal to the pisiform, which passes medially beneath the FCU tendon;
           - artery runs dorsally and ulnarly;
           - artery divides into an ascending and descending branch along the inferior surface of the FCU;
           - ascending artery provides vascularization on the ulnar side of the forearm for a length of 9-20 cm and 5-10 cm wide;
    - at wrist ulnar artery terminates in superficial palmar arch that provides most of the blood supply to the fingers;

- Ulnar Artery in Hand:
    - radial and ulnar arteries terminate by dividing into superficial and deep branches;
    - line drawn across the palm at level of distal border of fully abducted thumb marks the approximate locatation of the superficial arch;
    - deep arch is a finger's breath superficial;
    - pulsation of the ulnar artery can usually be felt just lateral to the pisiform bone;
    - immediately distal to this point, artery divides into its larger branch which forms most of superficial arch & smaller branch which forms
           lesser part of deep palmar;
    - superficial arch is much larger & important than the deep arch
    - just proximal to pisiform bone the ulnar artery gives off volar and dorsal carpal branches which unite w/ volar and dorsal branches
           of radial artery to form arterial wristlet about carpal bones

- Hypothenar Hand Syndrome:

  Ulnar artery thrombosis: a sports-related injury  

  Ulnar Artery Thromboisis.

  Ideas and Innovations: Island Flap Supplied by the Dorsal Branch of the Ulnar Artery.

  The results of radial and ulnar arterial repair in the forearm. Experience in three medical centers

  An Experience with Upper-Extremity Vascular Trauma

  Scientific Papers: Surgical Treatment of Distal Ulnar Artery Aneurysm.

  Year Book: Upper Extremity Arterial Injury in Athletes.

  Radial or ulnar artery laceration. Repair or ligate.

  Ulnar artery thrombosis and the role of interposition vein grafting: patency with microsurgical technique.
  Arterial abnormalities of the hand in athletes.

  Ulnar artery palmar to palmaris brevis - cadaveric study and 3 case reports

  Ulnar artery insufficiency: A guide to treatment

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