- See: Talar Tilt
- Anterior Drawer Test
- evaluates Anterior Talofibular ligament (look for diff. of 8 mm)
- this can be performed by securing distal leg w/ one hand and applying an anterior pull on the heel with the foot held in gentle plantar flexion;
- forward shift of more than 8 mm on a lateral radiograph is considered diagnostic for an ATFL tear;
- distance measured between posterior lip of tibia & nearest part of talus reflects anterior subluxation of the talus;
- Eversion test;
- in neutral evaluates superficial deltoid ligament complex;
- Inversion (Supination) test
- w/ ankle in plantarflexion: evaluates anterior talofibular ligament;
- in neutral / sl. dorisflexion: evaluates calcaneofibular ligament;
- Misc:
- Assessment of Peroneal Muscle Strength;
- Amount of Ankle Dorsiflexion;
- Grading of Injuries
- Grade I:
- stable injuries involving stretching or partial tearing of anterior talofibular ligament;
- Grade II:
- complete tear of the ATFL with vary degrees of injury to the CFL
- positive anterior drawer and negative talar tilt test;
- Grade III:
- involve complete or near complete tears of both the ATFL and CFL;
- positive anterior drawer and positive talar tilt test