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Anterior Talofibular Ligament


- See:
      - Anterior Drawer Test

- Anatomy:
     - it connects anterior fibula to neck of talus;
     - ligament is thickening of ankle capsule that extends short distance from anterior edge of distal part of fibula to talar neck, anterior to its lateral articular facet;
     - ligament is 20 mm long, 10 mm wide, and 2 mm thick;
     - w/ the foot plantigrade, its fibers are oriented 75 deg to the floor;
     - w/ plantar flexion, its fibers approach vertical orientation;
     - anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments blend in with the joint capsule (unlike the calcaneal fibular ligament);
            - thus capsular tears accompany tears of the 2 talofibular ligaments;
     - distance from tip of fibula to center of fibular attachment of anterior talofibular ligament is 10 millimeters;

- Discussion:
     - weakest of the lateral ligaments;
     - prevents anterior subluxation of talus when ankle is in plantar flexion;
     - orientation of ant talofibular lig depends on position of ankle joint.
           - in plantar flexion, it is parallel to long axis of foot, whereas in dorsiflexion, it is aligned w/ tibial & fibular shafts;
           - strain in ATFL is minimum in dorsiflexion & neutral, & it increased as ankle is moved progressively through plantar flexion;

- Exam:
     - it is difficult to be certain which lig is being evaluated w/ each of clinical tests;
     - commonly used tests for eval of lateral ligament laxity of ankle are anterior drawer & talar tilt tests.
     - inversion (supination) test
     - w/ ankle in plantarflexion: evaluates anterior talofibular ligament;
     - in neutral / sl. dorisflexion: evaluates calcaneofibular ligament

The contribution of the anterior talofibular ligament to ankle laxity.

Biomechanical evaluation of the anterior drawer test: the contribution of the lateral ankle ligaments.

Instability of the hindfoot after lesion of the lateral ankle ligaments: investigations of the anterior drawer and adduction maneuvers in autopsy specimens.

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