* Adults: Pos: in all CHEST leads except V1 in most Adults; * Peds and young BF: Neg T: V1
- V3; * Asymetrical, more slowly upsloping than dropping off; Not pointed; * V5: T waves: > 1/8 R; < 1/2 R; > U; * AXIS: within 60^ of QRS in the Limb leads; * DURATION: varies w/ Rate: - 60-90 BPM: T ends before 1/2 R-R;
- QT c: (corrected for 60 bpm): > 450 msec is Pathologic; * Peaked T waves: HyperKalemia; * Early Peak: Lead II: Hypercalcemia; * Hyperacute: T > R in II or ?? 3 leads; * V5: Inverted T wave/Increased R wave/ST deppression: LVH: * V3: Inverted T wave w/ ST depression: Acute Ischemia: Evovling infarct;