- See: EKG Dx of MI * Usually short: < 2mm flat; * Isoeletric w/ PR segment: (not T-P segment); * Duration: < 2 mm; See QT widening; * Axis: Anterion (J point Elevation: V1-V3);
- Considered Early Repolarization; * ST ELEVATION:
- ST above PR segment in Inferior, Anterior, &/or Lateral Leads;
- If normal variant, call it "J point elevation;
- V2: ST Elevation: ? Acute Ischemic Injury;
- See MI EKG Patterns / Rx of MI * ST depression:
- ST below PR segment in Inferior, Anterior, &/or Lateral Leads;
- II: ST Depression: Abnormal in Lead II;
- Scooped Out: Digitoxin; (See EKG Changes) *
- V5: Inverted T wave / Increased R wave: ? LVH:
- See EKG Changes from MI