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Home » Ortho Related » Medications » Doxorubicin/Adriamycin


- See: Chemotherapy Agents: 
- Indications: 
- acute leukemias and malignant lymphomas; non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease; ca of the ovary; breast; sm cell of lung; 
- Sarcomas: Osteogenic sarc, Ewing's, and soft tissue sarcomas; 
- Metastatic ca of Breast, ca of bladder, bronchogenic ca, neuroblastoma; 
- Precautions: 
- care should be taken to avoid extravasation, since severe local vesicant action and tissue necrosis may result; 
- patients should be advised that the drug may impart red color to urine; 
- Cardiac toxicity is a unique characteristic of the anthracycline ATBs. 
- look for ST changes on EKG; 
- may cause "pericarditis myocarditis syndrome" (See Pericarditis); 
- may cause CHF which is resistant to Digoxin 
- Cardiotoxicity may begin at 250 mg/sq m but usually does not begin until a total dose of approximately 500 mg/sq m; thereafter the risk increases markedly;


- Note that Adriamycin is primarily metabolized and excreted by the liver, and must reduce the dose with renal failure. 

IIB osteosarcoma. Current management, local control, and survival statistics--Sao Paulo, Brazil

Effects of chemotherapeutic agents on bone. I. Short-term methotrexate and doxorubicin (adriamycin) treatment in a rat model

A prospective study of topical dimethyl sulfoxide for treating anthracycline extravasation.

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