- See Mitral Regurge
- Autosomal Dominant Inheritance/ variable inheritance;
- thin anxious young female, Chest Pain, fatigue, syncope
- may present as TIA, stroke, MI;
- Occasionally: Sudden Death, Progressive dyspnea, Fever (Endocarditis)
- associated w/ Marfan's, Ehlers-Danlos
- listen for systolic click followed by Systolic murmur
- murmur occurs earlier w/ standing & valsalva;
- murmur occurs later w/ squatting or Propanolol;
- ECHO: shows posterior displacement of Mitral Valve Leafets;
- Propranolol useful for Chest Pain & Palpitations;
- consider prophylaxis against Endocarditis
- Prolapse may progress to severe Regurgitation (requiring surgery)