- See: Shoulder Menu:
- Anatomy:
- GHJ has a greater ROM than any other joint;
- Bony Anatomy:
- its shallow, & is more akin to a grapefruit in saucer than ball in socket.
- lack of bony stability & wide ROM permitted by loose ligamentous & capsular reinforcement account for fact that glenohumeral is most frequently dislocated joint in body.
- Shoulder Capsule (see anatomy)
- Muscular Stabilizers
- Subacromial Bursa
- Subdeltoid bursa lies on top of Rotator cuff & greatly facilitates movement of the cuff beneath the coracoacromial arch;
- Coracoid
- Coraco-acromial ligament:
- one finger breadth lateral to Coracoid is glenohumeral joint, so coracoid process is important landmark in locating GHJ for aspiration or injection;
- Scapulothoracic Motion:
- shoulder motion also occurs between Scapula & post thoracic wall;
- when arm is abducted to 180 deg, there is approx 1 deg of scapulo-thoracic motion for every 2 deg of glenohumeral motion;
- ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothoracic motion may vary normally depending on arm elevation in the scapular plane.
- ratio has not been shown to play a role in glenohumeral stability
Current Concepts Review. Fractures of the Glenoid Cavity.
Current Concepts Review. Migration of Pins Used in Operations on the Shoulder.
Dynamic electromyographic analysis of the throwing shoulder with glenohumeral instability.
Glenohumeral osteoarthrosis. A late complication of the Putti-Platt repair.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value.
Histological studies of the glenoid labrum from fetal life to old age.
Translation of the humeral head on the glenoid with passive glenohumeral motion.
A functional analysis of shoulder fusions.
The relationship between dead arm syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome.
The relationship of the glenohumeral joint capsule to the rotator cuff.
Anatomy, histology, and vascularity of the glenoid labrum. An anatomical study.
The normal glenohumeral relationships. An anatomical study of one hundred and forty shoulders.
The hinged shoulder spica cast for management after shoulder surgery.
Treatment of instability of the shoulder with an exercise program.
The use of computerized tomography in the measurement of glenoid version.
Open reduction and internal fixation of displaced intra-articular fractures of the glenoid fossa.
Supporting layers of the glenohumeral joint. An anatomic study.
Impingement syndrome in the absence of rotator cuff tear (stages 1 and 2).
Hypoplasia of the glenoid. A review of sixteen patients.
Mechanisms of glenohumeral joint stability.
The posterior deltoid-splitting approach to the shoulder.
Capsular ligaments of the shoulder. Anatomical and functional study of the anterior superior capsule.
Year Book: Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction of the Shoulder in Athletes in Overhand Sports.
Dynamic electromyographic analysis of the throwing shoulder with glenohumeral instability.
Isokinetic and isometric measurement of strength of external rotation and abduction of the shoulder.
Normal and abnormal motion of the shoulder.
Arthroscopic resection of glenoid labral tears in the athlete: a report of 29 cases.