- See:
- Frx of Medial Condyle in Adult:
- Discussion:
- rare injury;
- look for medial sided pain;
- unlike frx of medial epicondyle, elbow dislocation usually does not occur in this injury;
- in the report by Leet AI, et al (2002), the authors performed a retrospective study of 21 medial condylar fractures revealed that the
complication rate for these rare fractures was 33%;
- most of the minimally displaced fractures healed uneventfully with immobilization; however, one patient developed AVN of the
trochlea, and one patient developed a nonunion;
- operative treatment was performed if there was >2 mm of displacement at the fracture site;
- 2 of three fracture-dislocations lost reduction in the early postoperative period, requiring revision with more stable fixation;
- Radiographs:
- because the trochlea does not ossify until age 8 yrs, frx of the medial condyle may be mistaken for frx of medial epicondyle;
- this is especially true if there is significant pain, swelling, and instability (but no dislocation);
- fracture into the metaphyseal bone helps with the diagnosis;
- consider MRI if the diagnosis is in question
Fractures of the medial condyle of the humerus in childhood.