- Diff Dx:
- Developmental disorders
- Herniated Disc in the Child:
- Osteomyelitis of the Spine:
- Tuberculous Spondylitis:
- Diskitis
- Spinal Cord Tumors
- Primary Bone Tumors
- eosinophilic granuloma
- ewing's sarcoma
- metastatic neuroblastoma
- Slipped Vertebral Apophysis:
- Spondylothisthesis
- Kyphosis
- Scheuermann's disease is the most common cause of pain in the thoracic and thoracolumbar regions of the back
- Klippel-Feil syndrome:
- pain is usually due to hypermobility or instability of adjacent vertebral segment or to degenerative osteoarthrosis;
- Diastematomyelia:
- frequently associated with a cutaneous malformation overlying defect, is more likely to present w/ neurological abnormalities involving lower extremities, such as unilateral cavus foot or calf atrophy, rather than with back pain