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Radiology of the Hip


- AP view:
    - patient is supine with the foot internally rotated 15 deg to obtain best views of the femoral neck;
    - central beam is directed toward the femoral head;
    - X-ray tube should be positioned 100 cm from focal plane of film cassette to yield an image at 20%
            magnification, corresponding to the magnification incorporated in the templates;
            - tape measure will allow accurate assessment of radiographic magnification;  

- Lateral View: 
    - surgical lateral view:
         - this view should be obtained on all patients suspected of having a hip fracture or dislocation;
         - do not order a frog leg lateral in any patient suspected of having a hip fracture or dislocation)
         - patient is supine; the opposite hip is flexed and abducted;
         - cassette is placed against the lateral aspect of the affected hip;
         - central beam is directed horizontally toward the groin with about 20 degree of cephalic tilt;

  - frogleg lateral view:
         - do not order a frog leg lateral in any patient suspected of having hip fracture or dislocation);
         - patient is supine w/ knees flexed, soles of feet together, and the thighs maximally abducted;
         - central beam is directed vertically or with a 10 to 15 deg cephalic tilt to a point slightly above pubic symphysis;


  - Radiographic Evaluation for Hip Arthroplasty:
       - preop x-rays for THR:
       - post op x-rays for THR:

- Radiographic Evaluation of Femoral Neck Fractures:
- Radiographic Evaluation for Acetabular Fractures
       - judet views
       - roof arc measurements:
- Radiographic Evaluation for Pelvic Frx

Determination of Acetabular Coverage of the Femoral Head with Use of a Single Anteroposterior Radiograph.  A New Computerized Technique.

The lateral trochlear sign. Femoral trochlear dysplasia as seen on a lateral view roentgenograph.

A Systematic Approach to the Plain Radiographic Evaluation of the Young Adult Hip

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