Ortho Preferred Malpractice Insurance

When to use Beta Blockers in the MI patient

– Discussion:  – for patients with Q wave infarcts B. blockers are helpful when the following conditions apply: (assuming no contraindications)  – all patients > 60 yrs;  – all patients who exhibit ischemia on excercise;  – patients with abnormal left ventricular function; (? < 45%)  – patients who require B. blockers for rest Angina or … Read more

Windlass Mechanism

– Discussion:     – great toe provides stability to the medial aspect of the foot thru Windlass mechanism of the plantar aponeurosis;            – plantar aponeurosis arises adjacent to  tubercle of calcaneus and inserts into the base of the proximal phalanx;            – as body passes … Read more

Wheeless’ Textbook of Orthopaedics – Journal Watch

Soft Goods:          ProMed Prosthetic Devices:      Otto Bock Orthotics:      Specially For You®      Biorthex Inc.      Copes Foundation      Donjoy Braces Trauma:      Stratec      Rimlon      Acumed      AO/ASIF      Corin Joints:            Link America … Read more

Wheeless’ Textbook of Orthopaedics – Journal Watch

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Long-Term Results of Treatment of Fractures of the Medial Humeral Epicondyle in Children Operative Treatment of Interdigital Neuroma. A Long-Term Follow-up Study The Effects of Tibial Rotation on Posterior Translation in Knees in Which the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Has Been Cut Patellar Resurfacing in Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Prospective, … Read more

Wheeless’ Textbook of Orthopaedics – Journal Watch

Closed Reduction of Colles Fractures: Comparison of Manual Manipulation and Finger-Trap Traction. A Prospective, Randomized Study Treatment of Reverse Oblique and Transverse Intertrochanteric Fractures with Use of an Intramedullary Nail or a 95° Screw-Plate. A Prospective, Randomized Study Evaluation of the Forearm in Untreated Adult Subjects with Multiple Hereditary Osteochondromatosis Surgical Correction of the Snapping … Read more


– see wrist menu Amputation of the Finger and Hand Bennett’s Fracture Blood Supply to the Wrist Boutonnere Injuries Bouvier’s Test Burns of the hand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cerebral Palsy Claw Hand Clenched Fist Injuries Congenital Deformities of the Hands Compartment Syndromes of the Hand and Forearm CMC Arthritis DeQuervain’s Disease Digit Reimplantation Distal Phalangeal … Read more

West Point Axillary View

– Discussion:     – useful in identifying anterior glenoid abnormalities (Bankart Lesion) in pts w/ hx indicating traumatic instability of the shoulder; – Technique:     – pt is placed prone on x-ray table w/ involved shoulder on a pad raised 7.5 cm from the top of the table;     – head & … Read more

From the Patient’s Side: What’s New in Orthopaedics

MRSA The silent epidemic: CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA DVT/PE Rivaroxaban versus Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis after Hip Arthroplasty Rivaroxaban versus Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis after Total Knee Arthroplasty New Anticoagulants — The Path from Discovery to Clinical Practice Concussion: Sports Activity After a Concussion Slows Recovery Patient Education:   Prevention of Heat Stroke Lecture   Non Operative Treatment of … Read more

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