The Hip book

Wrist Arthrography

– Discussion:     – arthrography may be used in diagnosis of carpal instability because it is technically easy & is only minimally invasive;     – normally there should be no communication between the radiocarpal, mid-carpal, and distal radial-ulnar joints;     – it is noteworthy that in normal wrists there may be communications … Read more

Wrist Disarticulation

– Discussion:     – wrist disarticulation: include the removal of the radius and ulna to styloid processes;     – shape of stump remains bulbous, thus permitting prosthetic attachment, leaving the elbow free and preserving full pronation & supination;     – wrist disarticulation retains distal radio-ulnar joint preserves more forearm rotation, & retaining distal radial flare dramatically … Read more

Wound Complications following TKR – Hematoma, Necrosis, Infection

– Management of Complications:     – see open debridement and retention of components;     – wound complications: (Dennis, ICLS 1997) (see contaminated wound care)            – wound complications include prolonged post-operative drainage, superficial soft tissue necrosis, and full thickness soft tissue necrosis;            – wound drainage and hematoma: … Read more

Wound Vac

– Discussion:       – KCI Vacuum Assisted Closure Device: (Company Web Site) and V.A.C.® Therapy Indications and Safety Information      – Soft Tissue Coverage (Austere Environment) – Flaps and Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC)       – technique:             – debride all devitalized tissue and contaminated material;             – sterile reticulated … Read more

Wound Management

– Menu:      – Antibiotic Beads       – Antibiotic Prophylaxis       – Carrier State      – Contaminated Wound Care       – Debridement of Muscle: (debridement of open tibia fractures);       – Decubitus Ulceration      – Drains and Closure of Wounds      – Fracture Blisters      – Gun Shot Wounds       – Pressure Irrigation   … Read more

Wound Dressings

– See: Wound Management Menu / – Optimization of Wound Dressing:     – purpose of a dressing is to protect the wound from diseccation and prevent postoperative contamination;     – normal dry skin contains up 10 to 1000 bacteria per gram of tissue while skin in exposed and moist areas contains up … Read more

WPW syndrome

– regular rhythm;  – PR <0.12 sec / QRS >0.11 sec;  – Delta wave;  – May cause SVT/  – May cause severe A. fib/atrial flutter  – May have q waves depending on the tract: (Non MI q waves); Management: – quinidine 200 to 400 mg PO tid/qid is useful;  – Propanolol / Procainamide may also … Read more

Wound Closure for TKR

 – Discussion:         – Should Subcuticular Sutures be Avoided in TKR?               – references:                       – Modality of wound closure after total knee replacement: are staples as safe as sutures? A retrospective study of 181 patients.                       – Wound complications in joint arthroplasty: comparing traditional and modern methods of skin closure                       – Staple vs. … Read more

Workup for Femoral Shaft Frx

– Trauma Workup        – assessment of perfusion: damage control orthopaedics        – timing of surgery in orthopaedic patients with brain injury        – surgical timing and prevention of pulmonary complications in patients with femur frx  – PreOp Planning for IM Nailing: (IM Nailing Technique)           – Fracture Classification            – Open Femur Frx     … Read more

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