- Discussion:
- wrist disarticulation: include the removal of the radius and ulna to styloid processes;
- shape of stump remains bulbous, thus permitting prosthetic attachment, leaving the elbow free and preserving full pronation & supination;
- wrist disarticulation retains distal radio-ulnar joint preserves more forearm rotation, & retaining distal radial flare dramatically improves
prosthetic suspension;
- there is no benefit to retaining carpal bones;
- tenodesis of major forearm motors stabilizes muscle units, improving physiologic and myoelectric performance;
- conventional wrist units generally are not used because of additional length these add to the prosthetic arm, and, occasionally, terminal
device must be modified because of length;
- wrist disarticulation is also harder to fit with a myoelectric prosthesis because less space is available in which to conceal electronics and
power supply