Ortho Preferred Malpractice Insurance

References: XARELTO (rivaroxaban)

NICE recommends rivaroxaban (XARELTO®) to prevent blood clots in people who have had a heart attack – NICE 3/25/15 Bayer discloses encouraging data on anticoagulant XARELTO® Bayer happy with rivaroxaban (XARELTO®) trial results Efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban versus low-molecular-weight heparin therapy in patients with lower limb fractures. A non-interventional comparison of rivaroxaban with standard … Read more

X rays: for Tibial Frx

– comminution:     – more than 50% cortical comminution is considered significant and increases chance of non union; – displacement:     – > 50% frx displacement will significantly increase risk of non-union, due to instability of frx and predisposition for future displacement (if treated closed); – accetable reduction:     – > 10 deg … Read more

X-rays for Femoral Neck Fractures

– See:        – Calcar Femorale:        – Garden I & II:        – Garden III & IV:        – Garden’s Alignment Index:        – Pathologic Hip Fractures:        – Radiology of the Hip:        – Sigh Index – Radiographs:   … Read more

X-ray Findings in SLD

          – See:       – PA View       – AP View        – Radiology of Hand & Wrist        – Radiology of Scaphoid Fracture – Discussion:    – clenched fist AP – ulnar deviation view (see: AP view:)         – proper technique: for visualizing … Read more

Wrist Joint Aspiration & Arthroscopy

– Discussion:       – joint is entered dorsally;       – if there is any difficulty in entering Wrist Joint, hand can be suspended in Chinese finger traps to help open the joint space;       – there are 2 main entry sites, 3-4 & 4-5 sites;         … Read more

Wrist Arthroscopy

– Positioning and Preparation: – joint is distended w/ finger traps (to index and long fingers) w/ about 10 lbs, using a pulley system; – counter traction is applied to the arm w/ use of a second 10 lb pulley – this allows the elbow to be flexed 90 deg; – gravity assistant inflow; – initially … Read more

Wrightlock Spinal Fixation System

        by Ben L. Allen, Jr. M.D. About WRIGHTLOCK and the Outboard Correction System Instrumentation Surgical Technique for King-Moe Type III Scoliosis  Surgical Technique for King-Moe Type I or II Scoliosis

Wrist Arthrodesis

– Indications:     – painful or unstable wrist joint w/ advanced destruction due to OA, RA, post traumatic arthritis, SLAC wrist, spastic flexion               contracture, degenerative scaphoid non-union, unsuccessful wrist arthroplasty, and Keinbock’s dz;     – this procedure is more beneficial for young, active pts or middle aged pts, but not for elderly pts; … Read more

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