- Signs & Symptoms
- Potassium Supp
- Diff Dx
- Management:
- hypokalemia assoc w Met Alkalosis is treated w/ Chloride;
- Moderate Hypokalemia: (Serum K+ < 3.0 mmol/L)
- may see PAC's but no (or infrequent) PVC's & no digoxin toxicity;
- potassium supplementation:
- Slow K = 8 mmol KCl;
- Kay Ciel Elixer = 20 mmol/15 ml;
- K-Lyte = 25 mmol/packet;
- IV replacement therapy in this situation is reserved for patients w/ marked hypoK or pts who are unable to take oral supplements;
- w/ Severe Hypokalemia: < 3.0;
- w/ PVC's in the setting of Myocardial ischemia, or with digoxin toxicity;
- EKG Monitoring;
- IV therapy: - 10 mmol KCl in 100 ml D5W given IV over 1hr x 3; - repeat once or twice as needed;
- KCl in small volumes is given thru central IV lines, as these high concentrations of potassium are sclerosing to peripheral veins;
- further maintenance therapy, containing up to 40-60 mmol KCl/L of IV fluid at a maximum rate of 20 mmol/L;
- KCl may also be given by the administration of liquid salt by NG tube or by PO supplementation;
- IV < 60mEq/l; 40/hr; or 40mEq KCl PO q6hr x 2-3 doses;
- 10mEq/100ml D5W; - Recheck serum KCl concentration after each 20-30 mmol IV KCl is given;