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Epinephrine/Adrenalin/ Sus Phrine

- See: Inotropic Agents 
* for Cardiac arrest, VF, Bradycardia, w/ hypotension, EMD: 
* Dose: 0.5-1.0 mg IV/ET or 1-4 ug/min IV, titrate BP q5min as required; hence give: 2.5-10 ml of 1:10,000 solution; (1mg in 10ml = 1:10,000) 
* Do not mix with Na Bicarbonate; 
* Must monitor BP; 
* Beta agonist with some alpha effects; 
* Dosing for Anaphylaxis: - 3 to 5.0 ml (0.3-0.5mg) of 1:10,000 sol for IV administration by slow direct injection w/ repeat doses q5min prn; - available in a pre-drawn syringe from emergency cart, but if epinephrine 1:10,000 solution is not immediately available, then it is made by adding 1 ml 1:1000 solution to 9ml of NS); or epi-nephrine 0.5 ml (0.5 mg) of 1:1,000 for SC administration; 
* Asthma: 0.3 - 0.5 ml 1:1000 dilution SQ repeated at 20 min-4hr intervals or 1 inhalation (metered dose) repeated in 1-2 min OR suspension 0.1-0.3 ml SQ for extended effect; 
Peds: Emergency Cardiac Care: 
- 0.1 ml/kg of 1:10,000 solution IV q5min; 
- Anaphylaxis: 0.01 ml/kg of 1:1000 dilution SQ, repeat q15min prn for 3-4 doses, then q4hr prn; 
- Asthma: 0.1 ml/kg upto 0.4 ml/kg of 1:1000 solution SQ q20min upto 3 doses or 0.005 ml/kg SQ suspension upto max dose of 0.15 ml; 
- Susphrine comes in dose of 1:200, 0.005 ml/kg/dose x 1

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