- See
- Captopril - Antihypertensives
- for HTN, CHF; ACE;
- Adult: w/ Diuretics initially 2.5mg/day PO titrated to BP;
- Adult w/ no diuretic then intial dose: 0.5mg/day PO titrated to BP;
- Max dose = 40mg/day divided dose;
- Injection dose: 0.625 mg to 1.25mg IV q6hr over 5 min; - titrate to effect (SBP) by 0.625 mg increments;
- when patient is ready for PO form, switch to Captopril (10 times IV dose);
- Precautions:
- intital dose may give symptomatic hypotension, esp w/ Diuretics;
- attempt to d/c diuretics 2-3 days before intiating ACE;
- contraindicated with impaired renal function or renal artery stenosis;
- d/c if laryngeal edema/angioedema occurrs;
- may cause cough, and note that the vasotec is preferable to Captopril for patients with collagen vascular dz