- Evaulation:
- Patient's Temperature:
- hypothermia causes platlet dysfunction and increased bleeding time;
- Treatment
- platlets (6-8 units at a time);
- One unit of platlets will increase platlet count by 1000;
- Check 1hr post Platlet Count;
- Dilutional Thrombocytopenia;
- RBC transfusion or IV fluid therapy;
- Treat with Platlet transfusions as needed;
- Must transfuse 8 units of platlets for every 10-12 units of pRBCs transfused;
- Misc:
- Von Willebrand's dz: Treat with Cryoprecipitate or DDAVP;
- Acquired Platlet dysfunction: w/ Uremia try conjugated estrogens;
- Note: TTP: Platlet transfusion is Contraindicated
Review Article: Seminars in Medicine of the Beth Israel Hospital, Boston: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Blood Coagulation.