- Types of Injuries:
- short leg syndrome: (see growth deformities of the limbs)
- unequal leg lengths may predispose to injury in shorter leg;
- trochanteric bursitis:
- gluteus medius attaches by a broad insertion into its lateral aspect;
- below this insertion the bone is covered by the iliotibial tract;
- a bursa is occassionally the site of inflammaion, lies between the tract and the bone over the relatively bare portion of the trochanter;
- diff dx: avascular necrosis:
- AVN often refers pain laterally whereas DJD refers pain medially;
- steroid injections can provide dramatic relief;
- iliotibial band syndrome:
- semimembranosous tendonitis:
- predominates in males > 30 yrs of age;
- inflammmation at insertion site of direct head of tendon into area of posterior tubercle of tibia can be detected by increased activity on bone scan;
- pes anserinus bursitis;
- pain 6 in below joint line in medial tibia, w/ swelling & tenderness;
- can be treated w/ NSAIDs and rest;
- this condition should be differentiated w/ stress frx of proximal tibia;
- popliteus tendinitis
- popliteal tendinitis occurs mainly as result of either hyperpronation or excessive downhill running;
- pain is localized over popliteus tendon just anterior to LCL;
- refractory cases may benefit from a local injection of steroids;
- patellar tendonitis (jumper's knee):
- exertional compartment syndrome:
- gastrocnemius rupture
- typically ruptures occur off of the medial origin and may mimic compartment syndrome;
- tibial stress frx:
- medial tibial shin splints:
- exercise related pain in the posterior mid to distal 1/3 of the tibia can be related to periostitis at origin of the posterior tibialis;
- exam is notable for local tenderness with pain on resisted plantar flexion and inversion;
- x-ray may show periosteal change several wks after onset of symptoms;
- Foot and Ankle: (orthotics for the foot)
- achilles tendon contracture:
- hyperpronation of the foot:
- heel pain:
- metatarsalgia:
- hallux rigidus:
- Metabolic
- hyponatremia:
Muscular control of the ankle in running.
Phys Ed: Do Certain Types of Sneakers Prevent Injuries?
Is your prescription of distance running shoes evidence-based?