- See: Transient Osteoporosis:
Osteomalacia Osteoporosis HyperPara Renal
Vit D def HypoPhos Idiopathic 2ndary
Serum Ca Low Normal Normal Normal High Norm/Low
Serum P Low Very Low Normal Normal Low High
Alk Phos High High Normal Normal Norm/High High
Urine Ca Low Normal Normal Norm/High Norm/High Very low
Osteocalcin Norm/Incr High Normal High High High
HydroxyPro Norm/Incr High Normal High High High
X-rays Decr Density and Decr Density Norm/Osteitis Fibrosa
Looser's Zones
Biopsy Incr Osteoid Volume Thin Cortx & Trabec Norm/Osteitis Fibrosa
and bone loss
Disorder Serum Ca Serum Phos Serum AP Urine
Osteoporosis Normal Normal Normal Normal Ca
Osteomalacia " " " Low Ca
HyperParaThy Hi- Norm Low -Norm " High Ca
HypoParaThy Low High
Renal OsteoD Low High High - - - -
Paget's dz Normal Normal High Hydroxyproline
Myeloma " " " Protein
Vit-D def Normal Low
Vit-D dep Low
Vit-D res Normal Very Low
Osteomalacia Osteoporosis HyperPara Renal
Vit D def HypoPhos Idiopathic 2ndary
Serum Ca Low Normal Normal Normal High Norm/Low
Serum P Low Very Low Normal Normal Low High
Alk Phos High High Normal Normal Norm/High High
Urine Ca Low Normal Normal Norm/High Norm/High Very low
Osteocalcin Norm/Incr High Normal High High High
HydroxyPro Norm/Incr High Normal High High High
X-rays Decr Density and Decr Density Norm/Osteitis Fibrosa
Looser's Zones
Biopsy Incr Osteoid Volume Thin Cortx & Trabec Norm/Osteitis Fibrosa
and bone loss