- Discussion:
- there are four main considerations in classifying osteomyelitis;
- condition of the host
- functional impairment caused by the disease
- site of involvement
- extent of bony necrosis
- Classification:
- host immune status:
- type A: normal immune status;
- type B: some degree of immunocomprimised status; (pts may be at risk for graft resorbtion w/ primary grafting);
- type C: significant immunocomprimised status;
- type I:
- medullary osteomyelitis w/ endosteal nidus;
- does not necessarily require bone grafting;
- type II:
- superficial osteomyelitis, affecting outer surface of bone;
- examples include an infected plate in a healed frx, bone exposure 2nd to soft-tissue loss, or an adjacent soft-tissue abscess abutting cortex;
- usually soft tissue comprimise is common;
- treatment involves:
- stabilization by definition is not required (otherwise this is classified as type III or IV):
- hardware removal and debridement of avascular outer cortex (down to bleeding bone - "paprika sign");
- antibiotic beads;
- coverage;
- bone grafting;
- type III:
- well marginated sequestration of cortical bone;
- can be excised w/ creating instability;
- treatment involves:
- stabilization;
- debridement;
- antibiotic beads;
- coverage;
- bone grafting;
- type IV:
- permeative destructive lesion causing instability (infected tibial non union)
A clinical staging system for adult osteomyelitis.
Limb salvage for chronic tibial osteomyelitis: an outcomes study.
The treatment of chronic open osteomyelitis of the tibia in adults.