- Discussion:
- Myelomeningocele Scoliosis may result from:
- idiopathic causes;
- myelomeningocele structural defect;
- congenital defects
- paralytic etiology;
- Complications:
- Rapid Curve Progression:
- may manifest as lower extremity spasticity;
- MRI is helpful in evaluating these children;
- Diff dx:
- Hydrocephalus:
- Tethered Cord Syndrome
- Hydromyelia
- Syringomyelia
- Arnold Chiari Syndrome Compression
- Distrubed Ventricular Shunt Mechanics
- is adressed by revising shunt or by releasing a tethered cord
- Orthotic Treatment:
- attempts at bracing (TLSO) may fail & require subcutaneous rodding for very young children and fusion later;
- Operative Treatment of Scoliosis:
- preop eval:
- aggressive evaluation of urinary tract, treatment of urinary tract infection, & periop ATB are important in reducing wound infections;
- treatment of the scoliosis without recognition of syringomyelia and Chiari malformation can lead to paraplegia;
- paralytic Scoliosis:
- treated w/ anterior arthrodesis combined w/ posterior arthrodesis and secure internal fixation, plus bone grafting;
- Luque sublaminar wiring w/ fixation to sacrum;
- curves > 60 deg require initial anterior release & fusion;
- Kyphosis in myelodyplasia:
- resection of Kyphosis w/ local fusion or fusion to pelvis may be required;
- surgery should be delayed as long as possible inorder to delay recurrence;
- kyphectomy for severe congenital kyphosis in pts with thoracic-level Myelomeningocele is indicated for sitting imbalance or w/ skin
problems occur over the apex;
- patent shunt is essential to prevent acute hydrocephalus, which can result from spinal sac excision usually necessary with kyphectomy.