- See:
- Anterior Subluxation & Wedge Fracture
- Bilateral InterFacet Dislocation
- Spinous Process Fracture (avulsion frx - "Clay Shoveler's Frx)
- Flexion Tear Drop Fracture
- Discussion:
- anterior subluxation is characteristic that more commonly results from a hyperflexion injury;
- recognition of lateral column frx helps to determine mechanism of injury as hyperextension;
- this mechanism is of clinical importance as hyperflexion injury may be treated with traction in extension;
- treating hyperextension frx dislocation injury in extension may only compound the problem;
- injuries resulting in anterolisthesis include:
- unilateral facet subluxation (shows > 3-6 mm of anterior offset)
- hyperflexion strain - results in less offset;
- there are two flexion instability patterns in which the posterior & middle liagmentous complexes are ruptured but anterior complex is intact;
- posterior element widening w/ subtle compression frx of vertebral body;
- bilateral fracture dislocation