- neurological exam for the neuropathic charcot foot:
- in exam of the diabetic foot note the neurologic findings are usually distal, symmetrical, and sensory;
- absent or diminished tendon reflexes are characteristic findings;
- ankle jerk is mainly affected and is absent 4 times > knee jerk;
- diminution or loss of vibratory sense in the area of the foot and ankle is also common;
- development of claw toes occurs as a result of peripheral neuropathy w/ loss of foot instrinsics;
- clawing of toes may result in anterior displacement of the forefoot fat pad leading to metatarsalgia;
- in trying to distinguish between a neuropathic foot and an infection, consider observing the foot after it has been elevated for 5 min;
- peristence of erythemia is more consisent with infection (and vice versa, disappearance of erythema is consistent with a Charcot foot);
- neurological exam for pressure ulceration:
- mal perforant is typical manifestation of diabetic neuropathy and is characterized by chronic painless ulcer on plantar surface of foot over a pressure point;
- typically are rimmed by callus, and typically are less necrotic than vascular ulcers;
- in early stages, ulcer appears over 1st, 3rd, or 5th metatarasal head, but w/ concomitant osseous neuropathic changes, midfoot collapse may occur which may lead to excessive pressure in this region and ulceration;
- w/ neuropathic ulceration, progression to mixed fiber neuropathy results in loss of light touch & vibration sense & in motor neuropathy;
- when feet are neglected, necrosis under callus results in ulcer w/ overlying hanging edges, which is painless;
- infection spreads into underlying joint & proximally into plantar space;
- sensory testing:
- EMG nerve conduction testing
- 10-g (5.07) nylon Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test;
- vibration testing with a 128-Hz tuning fork (more sensitive predictor of early neuropathy)
- references:
- The prediction of diabetic neuropathic foot ulceration using vibration perception thresholds. A prospective study
- The North-West Diabetes Foot Care Study: incidence of, and risk factors for, new diabetic foot ulceration in a community-based patient cohort.
- Clinical examination for the detection of protective sensation in the feet of diabetic patients. International Cooperative Group for Clinical Examination Research.