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Aluminum Hydroxide: (Amphogel)

- Discussion:

- for hyperacidity in PUD, hiatial hernia, esophagitis, gastritis by neutralizing gastric acid; and hyperphosphatemia; acts as Antacid;
- Adult: 10-30ml or 1-2 tab (.6gm) PO 4-6x qd;
- Side Effects:
- Poor Choice with Renal Insufficiency (Aluminum toxicity)
- Do not use with patients taking tetracycline;
- may cause hypokalemia;
- Peds: Antacid: 5-15 ml PO q3-6hr or 1 & 3 hr PC and HS;
- Hyperphosphatemia: 50-150mg/kg/24hr divided q4-6hr;
- Supplied: Tabs: 300mg, 600mg; Aluminum Carbonate: (Basaljel)
- this compound should be avoid in patients w/ renal failure do to aluminum toxicity (renal osteodystrophy)



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