Ortho Preferred Malpractice Insurance

Workup for Femoral Shaft Frx

– Trauma Workup        – assessment of perfusion: damage control orthopaedics        – timing of surgery in orthopaedic patients with brain injury        – surgical timing and prevention of pulmonary complications in patients with femur frx  – PreOp Planning for IM Nailing: (IM Nailing Technique)           – Fracture Classification            – Open Femur Frx     … Read more

Work Up for Pelvic Fracture

– Trauma Management:     – damage control resusitation             – ref:  Damage-Control Orthopedics Versus Early Total Care in the Treatment of Borderline High-Energy Pelvic Fractures     – fluid management             – hypotension is associated with an increased risk of mortality, ARDS, and multiple organ failure;             – IV access is secured with at least … Read more

Work Up of the Painful Total Knee Arthroplasty

– See: TKR Menu: (Function and Activity after TKR) – Natural History of Painful TKR:     – references:               – Pain and Depression Influence Outcome 5 Years after Knee Replacement Surgery.               – Impact of Psychological Distress on Pain and Function Following Knee Arthroplasty – Potential Causes of TKR failure:     – early failures:     … Read more

Winquist Classification of Femoral Shaft Frx

 – Type I:         – comminution is minimal or there is no comminution at frx site  – Type II:       – comminution involves a fragment larger than that in type I but has at least 50% of the circumference of the cortices of two major frx fragments intact;     … Read more

Work Up and Treatment of Acetabular Frx

– See: Trauma Menu – Discussion:     – note that with acetabular fracture associated with major trauma that there will be 50% chance of            at least one other major injury;            – neuro and head injury (see Glasgow)            – abdominal and chest injury (pulmonary … Read more

Which is better, the Knife or Electrocautery

Interaction between permanent cardiac pacing and electrocautery: the significance of electrode position. Effects of method of hemostasis on wound-infection rate. The contaminated skin-knife–fact or fiction. Recovery of skeletal muscle after laceration and repair.    Studies in the management of the contaminated wound. IV. Resistance to infection of surgical wounds made by knife, electrosurgery, and laser.

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