Ortho Preferred Malpractice Insurance

Zero Rotation Views

– Discussion:      – used to show ulnar variance;      – technique:            – shoulder is abducted 90 deg, the elbow flexed 90 deg, and forearm is held in neutral rotation;      – AP View:             – patient places the forearm flat on … Read more

Zone III

– Discussion:     – extends from base of palm or distal end of transverse retinacular ligament to transverse crease in the palm;           – extends just proximal to the IP joint and to the MP joint;     – in this region tendons are essentially free of a tendon sheath … Read more

Zone 1 Flexor Injuries

– See:       – FDP Avulsion       – FDP Lacerations       – tendon pull thru technique         – Anatomy:       – in zone 1, FDP has emerged from between & beneath decussating FDS and travels to its insertion in the distal phalanx;       – zone 1 contains: A4, C3, … Read more

Zyvox / Linezolid

– See: Zyvox Commercial Web Site – Discussion: – for MRSA and staph epi infections; – dose: 600 mg PO bid; – in standard dosing, the plasma and tissue levels will be between 10-11 mcg/ml (about 4 mcg/ml in bone); – mao inhibitors           – linezolid is a reversible, nonselective inhibitor of monoamine oxidase; – linezolid … Read more

Zielke Instrumentation

– Discussion:     – used for rigid or mobile lumbar or thoracolumbar Scoliosis with lordosis Posterior transpedicular Zielke instrumentation of the lumbar spine. Anterior Zielke instrumentation for spinal deformity in adults.

Zanca View (AC Joint View)

– Discussion:     – used to better visualized the acromio-clavicular joint by eliminating overlying structures; – Technique:     – AP view w/ beam is directed at the a-c joint with 10 deg cephalic tilt;     – use 1/3 to 1/2 the voltage used for the AP shoulder view (soft tissue technique)

Young Modulus

– Discussion:     – slope of “stress/strain” curve (below yield point) denotes material’s stiffness;     – steeper the curve, the stiffer material, gradient is known as modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus;           – in the elastic range of the stress strain curve it is the slope

Young Burgess System

– Discussion:     – w/ Young-Burgess system, stability or lack of stability can be judged fracture pattern, direction of the force of injury, and by knowledge of pelvic ligamentous anatomy;     – in Lateral Compression frx, force of injury is from side & is assoc w/ horizontally oriented pubic frx;     – Lateral Compression Classification: … Read more

Yield Strength / Point

– Discussion:     – stress beyond the elastic limit that results in permanent bending, deflection, or deformation (i.e., the metal goes from pure              elastic behavior to a combination of elastic/plastic elongation);     – metals ranked according to yeild strength (highest to lowest);     – cast cobalt chrome > titanium > wrought cobalt chrome, stainless … Read more

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