- Discussion:
- some recommend early motion after operative treatment of ankle fractures;
- however, there is little differnece in range of motion between ankles that are treated with early motion and those that are immobilized;
- similarly, wt-bearing affects does not appear to affect recovery;
- Non Operative Treatment of SER Fractures
Early postoperative ankle exercise. A study of postoperative lateral malleolar fractures.
Early mobilization of ankle fractures after open reduction and internal fixation.
Early postoperative weight-bearing and muscle activity in patients who have a fracture of the ankle
Early weight bearing of malleolar fractures.
Mobilization after operation of ankle fractures. Good results of early motion and weight bearing.
Early mobilization of operated on ankle fractures. Prospective, controlled study of 40 bimalleolar cases.
Ankle performance after ankle fracture: a randomized study of early mobilization.
Postoperative treatment of internally fixed ankle fractures: a prospective randomised study.
Five-year functional outcome analysis of ankle fracture fixation.