- See: AV malformations
- Discussion:
- venous malformations, although present at birth, often are not noticed until 1 year of age. They engorge when dependent, decompress when elevated, and enlarge with trauma, puberty, pregnancy, or use of oral contraceptives;
- frequently confused with hemangiomas
- present at birth
- slow steady growth
- do not involute
- discrete and diffuse subtypes
- Diff Dx:
- AV Malformations
- Hemangioma
- Vascular testing
- X-ray: calcification, adjacent bone changes
- MRI: can distinguish between high flow (AVM) and low flow lesions (venous malformations);
- Closed system venography
- Radionuclide scanning;
- Treatment:
- low-flow venous and lymphatic malformations can be treated either conservatively by compression garments or surgically by staged
debulking, avoiding the need to return later to a previously scarred area;
- surgery is complicated by bleeding or lymphatic leaks, hematoma or seroma, formation, skin necrosis, scarring, ulceration, contractures, and distention of channels in the same or adjacent areas
Distinguishing Soft-Tissue Hemangiomas From Vascular Malformations Using Technetium-Labeled Red Blood Cell Scintigraphy.