- Accuracy of a Test:
- percentage of patients in which the test gives a correct answer;
- the following equation is used to calculate accuracy: (true positives + true negatives) / (true positives + true negatives + false positives and false negatives);
Fundamentals of Statistics for Orthopaedists: Part IV.
- percentage of patients in which the test gives a correct answer;
- the following equation is used to calculate accuracy: (true positives + true negatives) / (true positives + true negatives + false positives and false negatives);
- Sensitivity:
- refers to the ability of a test to pick up an abnormatily;
- the following equation is used to calculate sensitivity: (true positives) / (true positive + false negatives)
- Specificity:
- refers to the ability of a test to yield true positives;
- the following equation is used to calculate specificity: (true negatives) / (true negatives + false positives)
Fundamentals of Statistics for Orthopaedists: Part IV.
Type-II error rates (beta errors) of randomized trials in orthopaedic trauma.
In Brief: The P Value: What Is It and What Does It Tell You?
In Brief: Standard Deviation and Standard Error
Statistics In Brief: When to Use and When Not to Use a Threshold P Value