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Role of PeriOperative Oxygen in Reduction of Surgical Infection:

- Studies that Do Support the Use of O2 for Prevention of Infection:
     - Supplemental Perioperative Oxygen to Reduce the Incidence of Surgical-Wound Infection 
     - Supplemental perioperative oxygen and the risk of surgical wound infection: a randomized controlled trial.

- Studies that Do Not Support the Use of O2 for Prevention of Infection:
     - Surgical Site Infection and the Routine Use of Perioperative Hyperoxia in a General Surgical Population 
   - Correspondence: Clinical Use of Normobaric Hyperoxia

Basic Science Papers:
                - references: 
                         - Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increases tissue oxygen tension in healthy and anastomotic colon in pigs.
The effect of differing ambient oxygen tensions on wound infection.
Assessment of perfusion in postoperative patients using tissue oxygen measurements.
Local heat increases blood flow and oxygen tension in wounds.
Direct measurement of wound and tissue oxygen tension in postoperative patients.
Special Topic: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in plastic surgery: a review article. 
Oxygen as an isolated variable influences resistance to infection.      
Oxygen as an antibiotic. A comparison of the effects of inspired oxygen concentration and antibiotic administration on in vivo bacterial clearance.          
The dynamic properties of tissue oxygen in healing flaps.    
Tissue oxygenation, anemia, and perfusion in relation to wound healing in surgical patients.
The influence of epidermal thickness on transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurements in normal persons.
High-dose magnesium sulfate attenuates pulmonary oxygen toxicity. 
                         -Wound tissue oxygen tension predicts the risk of wound infection in surgical patients

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