- Supplemental Perioperative Oxygen to Reduce the Incidence of Surgical-Wound Infection
- Supplemental perioperative oxygen and the risk of surgical wound infection: a randomized controlled trial.
- Studies that Do Not Support the Use of O2 for Prevention of Infection:
- Surgical Site Infection and the Routine Use of Perioperative Hyperoxia in a General Surgical Population
- Correspondence: Clinical Use of Normobaric Hyperoxia
Basic Science Papers:
- references:
- Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increases tissue oxygen tension in healthy and anastomotic colon in pigs.
- The effect of differing ambient oxygen tensions on wound infection.
- Assessment of perfusion in postoperative patients using tissue oxygen measurements.
- Local heat increases blood flow and oxygen tension in wounds.
- Direct measurement of wound and tissue oxygen tension in postoperative patients.
- Special Topic: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in plastic surgery: a review article.
- Oxygen as an isolated variable influences resistance to infection.
- Oxygen as an antibiotic. A comparison of the effects of inspired oxygen concentration and antibiotic administration on in vivo bacterial clearance.
- The dynamic properties of tissue oxygen in healing flaps.
- Tissue oxygenation, anemia, and perfusion in relation to wound healing in surgical patients.
- The influence of epidermal thickness on transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurements in normal persons.
- High-dose magnesium sulfate attenuates pulmonary oxygen toxicity.
-Wound tissue oxygen tension predicts the risk of wound infection in surgical patients