- Discussion:
- decrease phenothiazines (reversible Parkinson's dz);
- may find defects in mentation, neuritis of myelinated long nerves (restless leg syndrome), and MS changes;
- uremic polyneuropathy, w/ decr electric conduction along myelinated nerve fibers;
- conduction may be as low as 15 to 20/sec in renal failure;
- progression to symmetric distal neuropathy, starting at toes & working up leg occurs in 5-10% of uremic pts, usually those who are not on dialysis;
- autonomic insufficiency in uremia as a component of generalized neuropathy may present as hypotension during dialysis or as a neurogenic bladder;
- seizures:
- due to uremia, hyponatremia, acidosis, hyperosmolality, hypoCa, and meningitis;
- due to HTN, subarachnoid hemorrhage, CVA, systemic emboli, hypogly
- steroid psychosis, drug toxicity, and drug withdrawl