- Discussion:
- mark out base of 5th metatarsal and tip of lateral malleolus;
- select point halfway between the two and make an oblique incision which parallels subtalar joint line over sinus tarsi; (see Ollier Incision);
- avoid the sural nerve which lies 1-2 cm beneath the distal tip of the fibula;
- avoid cutting toe extensors which lie anterior and peroneal tendons which lie posterior;
- open the peroneal tendon sheath and expose the brevis tendon;
- partially open the extensor tendon sheath;
- lateral incision is longitudinal and placed on line drawn connecting points between tip of lateral malleolus to base of 4th metatarsal;
- this approach has avoids injury to superficial peroneal and sural nerves than Ollier incision;
- in distal 1-2 cm of incision, branch of sural nerve is identified