- Discussion:
- tendon is composed of heavy, parallel bundles of collagenous fibers;
- these bundles are held together by tissue resembling perimysium;
- between bundles of fibers are fibroblasts, nerves, & blood vessels that supply the tendon;
- surrounding the tendon is a then fibroelastic membrane, the epitendineum, which is a counterpart of the epimysium;
- large, parallel bundles of tendon are composed of intertwining smaller bundles of fibers, particularly near their termination on bone;
- at their attachment to bone, tendons appear to blend in w/ the periosteum, however, many tendon fibers continue into matrix of bone;
- these fibers constitute fibers of Sharpey;
- as bone grows, it engulfs tendon fibers
Development of a reconstituted collagen tendon prosthesis. A preliminary implantation study.