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Atlas Dens Interval

- ADI in Adults:
    - in flexion, ADI should be less than 3 mm;

- ADI in Children:
    - in flexion, ADI should be less than 3.5 mm;

- Diff Dx of ADI Wideing:
    - Jefferson's Fracture:
    - Atlanto Axial Rotatory Fixation:
    - Atlanto Axial Subluxation:
          - Down's Syndrome:
          - Rheumatoid Arthritis:
    - Transverse Ligament
          - an anterior shift of C1 on C2 of more than 3-5 mm implies injury to transverse ligament;
          - shift > 5 mm implies injury transverse & alar ligaments

 Intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver reliability of cervical spine measurements.

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