- PreOp Planning:
- knee deformities should be corrected prior to any forefoot fusions;
- stability of talus in mortise is necessary for successful arthrodesis;
- determine if flexibility of forefoot and hindfoot;
- if foot can be reduced to a satisfactory position then an in situ type of arthrodesis may be considered;
- if hindfoot deformity is fixed & cannot be brought back to good position, corrective type of triple arthrodesis will be necessary;
- varus hindfoot will usually have a compensatory forefoot valgus w/ plantarflexed first ray;
- look for cavus type deformity
- hammer toes may also be present;
- dynamic hammer toe formation in cavus type of foot;
- valgus hindfoot will usually be assoc w/ varus forefoot deformity to compensate, along with an abducted forefoot via hindfoot joint;
- look for Achilles contracture w/ pronation deformity of the foot;
- achilles tendon contracture is difficult to asses w/ fixed valgus deformity;
- in the acquired flatfoot there may be an accentuation of midfoot collapse at midstance just prior to heel raise;
- PreOp Xrays:
- standing AP radiograph of both ankles
- look for calcaneovalgus impingement in acquire flatfoot as well as any valgus or varus deformities of ankle joint;
- anatomic axis of tibia w/ ankle & hindfoot is evaluate;
- standing lateral: - look for divergences of lateral talocalcaneal angle, & note "sag" sign of the foot at the talonavicular joint;
- look for a stress frx of the fibula as a result of prolonged lateral impingment