- See: Soft Tissue Menu
- Two Forms:
- low grade myxoid liposarcoma;
- most common;
- occurs in young adults;
- in myxoid liposarcoma, lipoblasts are dispersed in anastomosing capillary framework;
- fine reticular vascular pattern;
- high grade pleomorphic liposarcoma:
- pleomorphic liposarcoma is more common in older patients;
- enlarging but painless mass in the buttocks (most common site), proximal thigh, or upper arm is the classic presentation;
- more aggresive tumor which tends to invade bone;
- have amorphously arranged large vascular lakes;
- contains large, pyknotic, bizarre, mononucleated cells in combinatination with immature lipoblasts;
- Differential Dx:
- lipoma
- most liposarcomas occur proximal to the knee and elbow;
- Radiographic Studies:
- Angiography: vascularity of tumor is best demonstrated by angiography;
- Bone Scan:
- marked increase in radioisotope uptake in the early phase of bone scan;
- CT Scan:
- radiolucency noted on CT may suggest hisogenesis in low grade, well differentiated lesions with a high fat content;
- Treatment:
- stage I myxoid lesions: treated w/ wide surgical excision,
- stage II pleomorphic lesions:
- requires wide excision supplemented w/ XRT, or radical resection, or amputation
Atypical Lipomatous Tumors/Well-differentiated Liposarcomas: Clinical Outcome of 67 Patients