- Discussion:
- ACL tears most often occur during football and basketball in younger patients, and occur most often from skiing injuries in older patients;
- substantial anterior tibial shear forces that stress ACL are produced from quadriceps contraction, esp in 0-30 deg of extension;
- typically, the ACL is torn in a noncontact deceleration situation that produces a valgus twisting injury;
- this usually occurs when the athlete lands on the leg and quickly pivots in the opposite direction. (see pivot shift)
- mechanisms reported as possibly able to disrupt ACL w/ minimal injury to other structures are:
- extension or hyperextension
- marked internal rotation of tibia on femur (may be most important);
- pure deceleration
- valgus position
Knee Kinematics During Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury as Determined From Bone Bruise Location
What Strains the Anterior Cruciate Ligament During a Pivot Landing?