- Discussion:
- involves placement of one or more screws across a frx or osteotomy site to achieve interfragmentary compression;
- note that the direction along which the compression acts (inclination of lag screw) must coincide well w/ perpendicular
axis of the fracture surface;
- as Johner, et al (1983) have shown, frx sliding will occur if the compression is applied at an angle greater than 20 deg in
relation to axis perpendicular to the fracture surface;
- it has been written that if more than one lag screw can be positioned across a frx site, then plate fixation of the frx is not necessary;
- fortunately, only one or two disaters w/ this statedgy are required for the orthopaedist to realize that this is not true;
- self tapping screws:
- if self tapping screws are inadvertently angled, they will cut a new path and destroy already cut thread, which is a disadvantage;
- self tapping screws should therefore not be used as lag screws;
- Technique:
- lag screw is best positioned at right angles to the fractures plane;
- reduction:
- in order to find best location and inclination, forceps compressing fracture temporarily substitutes for function of the lag screw;
- lag screw replaces the forceps;
- gliding hole:
- the gliding hole (near cortex) is overdrilled w/ the appropriately sized bit;
- the appropriate sized dril bit corresponds to the outer diameter of the screw;
- take care not to drill past the far cortex;
- thread hole:
- insert the "golf tee" or a drill sleeve into the overdrilled cortex;
- for gliding hole to function properly, the screw must be positioned in axis of the drill hole;
- appropriate sized drill bit is inserted to drill the far cortex;
- 1.5 mm sized screw requires 1.1 mm drill bit
- 2.0 mm sized screw requires 1.5 mm drill bit
- 2.7 mm sized screw requires 2.0 mm drill bit
- 3.5 mm sized screw requires 2.5 mm drill bit
- 4.5 mm sized screw requires 3.2 mm drill bit
- measure screw length:
- screw length must be long enough to allow screw tip to protrude 2 mm beyond far cortex;
- bone tap
- insert appropriately sized bone tap to cut across far cortex;
- counter-sink:
- apply the countersink to make the screw head to improve seating on the anterior fibula and to make the head less prominent;
- the countersink will cause the screw to sink deeper, causing it to be more proud
- References:
- Comparison of three methods for maintaining inter-fragmentary compression after fracture reduction and fixation.
- Rigidity of pure lag-screw fixation as a function of screw inclination in an in vitro spiral osteotomy.