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Home » Bones » Spine » Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta

- Type I:
      - most common type
      - autosomal dominant;
      - blue sclerae;
      - frx during childhood;
      - hearing loss;
- Type II:
      - very rare
      - autosomal recessive;
      - blue scelae;
      - lethal in perinatal period;
      - crumpled long bones;
      - flattened vertebrae;
- Type III:
      - autosomal recessive;
      - white sclerae
      - short stature;
      - fractures and progressive deformity;
      - spinal deformity;
      - reference:
             Osteogenesis imperfecta type III:  Delineation of the phenotype with reference to genetic heterogeneity.
- Type IV:
      - autosomal dominant;
      - white sclerae
      - skeletal fragility;
      - no hearing loss;
      - moderate growth failure

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