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Lateral Compression Frx: Type I

- Discussion:
    - its the most common pelvic fracture pattern;
    - involves compression injury to sacrum, w/ cancellous impaction;
         - sacral injury is often not identified & frx pattern is often misidentified as isolated pubic ramus frx;
         - sacral compression frxs are usually stable since cancellous bone of sacrum is impacted;

- Radiographs:
    - sacral impaction frx are best noted by observing borders of sacral foramina for discontinuity on inlet view;
          - discontinuity identifies the injury as an LC type;

- AO Type B2.1
    - lateral compressive force applied to the hemipelvis, crushes SI complex & causes anterior injury on the same side;
    - anterior injury may involve frx of both superior & inferior pubic rami which may be overriding;
    - posterior injury is a compression fracture of anterior of anterior aspect of the sacrum;
    - intact tension band of the pelvis as well as an intact pelvic floor do not allow vertical displacement in this injury type;
          - it has internal rotational instability but is vertically stable

What constitutes a Young and Burgess lateral compression-I (OTA 61-B2) pelvic ring disruption? A description of computed tomography-based fracture anatomy and associated injuries.

Surgeon Variability in the Treatment of Pelvic Ring Injuries

Young and Burgess type I lateral compression pelvis fractures: a comparison of anterior and posterior pelvic ring injuries.

Nonoperative Immediate Weightbearing of Minimally Displaced Lateral Compression Sacral Fractures Does Not Result in Displacement.

Nonoperative treatment of intermediate severity lateral compression type 1 pelvic ring injuries with minimally displaced complete sacral fracture.

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