- See: Three Part Fracture
- Discussion:
- includes large proximal fragment created by frx of surgical neck of humerus;
- some capsular tissue is almost always retained on large head fragment ensuring its viability;
- if head fragment is displaced anteriorly, greater tuberosity is usually frxed, whereas lesser tuberosity is retained;
- frxed tuberosity segment is always displaced in a direction opposite to the dislocation;
- in posterior fracture dislocation, greater tuberosity is usually retained, whereas the lesser tuberosity is avulsed;
- Treatment:
- closed reduction w/ GEA to restore prox frag to anatomic position;
- if gross instability of frx remains after closed reduction of dislocation, then ORIF is required;
- if reduction of the proximal fragment is blocked by soft tissue interposition, then open reduction is manditory