- Discussion:
- these plates are used with 3.5 mm cortex screws;
- their main application is for use with pelvic and acetabular frx;
- they may be also used in fractures of the distal humerus (dorsolateral apect), the clavicle, and the calcaneus;
- reconstruction plates have notches alongside the plate, which enables bending in three demensions;
- bending more than 15 deg at any one site should be avoided;
- note that aready low stiffness of the plate is further diminished by bending, & if strong curvature is needed, consider a prebent plate;
- oval holes permit some self compression if the screw holes are placed eccentrically;
- holes accept 4.0 mm cancellous bone screws if the plate is placed over cancellous bone;
- screws can be inserted at an angle of approx 25 deg longitudinally and 7 deg sideways;
- available in 5 to 22 holes, and 58 mm to 262 mm
- thickness 2.8 mm
- width 10 mm
- hole spacing 12 mm