- Origin:
- superficial head: distal border of the flexor retinaculum;
- greater multangular bone tuberosity of the trapezium bone deep head;
- trapezoid and capitate bones;
- Insertion: base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb;
- Action:
- flexes proximal phalanx of the thumb; continued action flexes first metacarpal and rotates it medially;
- Synergists: FPL, adductor pollicis;
- Nerve supply: superficial head: Median, C8, T1
deep head: Ulnar, C8, T1;
- Discussion:
- FPB is on volar surface of metacarpal and under abductor brevis;
- one head of the flexor brevis originates from volar carpla ligament and in the region of the Flexor Carpi Radialis tendon;
- other originates from trapezium and from capitate tendon that inserts into radial sesamoid & radial tubercle of proximal phalanx;
- this muscle also attaches to an expansion into the extensor mech. and assists in extending the distal phalanx of the thumb