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Home » Orthopaedics » Scurvy


- Discussion:
    - disease that can affect intracellular biosynthesis of collagen is scurvy, which is caused by Vit C (ascorbic acid) deficiency;
    - specific defect appears is an inability of the tissue to hydroxylate proline (inadequate conversion of proline into hydroxyproline in collagen 
           fibers), & there is also decreased hydroxylation of lysine;
    - less collagen will be formed, and the collagen that is formed will be of a poor quality;
    - collagen fibrils appear swollen & contain increased amounts of polysaccharides.
    - new bone formation is prevented, & the older bone becomes brittle;
    - old scars & wounds tend to rupture more easily when intake of this vitamin is inadequate;
    - historical notes:
         "Scurvy related to vitamin C deficiency ravaged and plagued previous [Anartic[ expeditions, including those to the polar
          regions.  During one of Scott’s expeditions, the expedition doctor Edward Wilson fought what he thought was ptomaine
          poisoning, which was suspected of being a cause of scurvy.

          Wilson did not know that the limes the expedition had purchased from the West Indies and brought to Antarctica had been 
          transported in copper vats, which had zapped them of vitamin C, leaving the crew deficient in the vitamin and suffering
          from scurvy."
                  - from The Best Cuisine on Antarctic Ice

- Radiographs:
    - metaphyseal radiolucency;

- Treatment:
    - vitamin C:
         - children 30 mg/day;
         - adults: 50 mg/day

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